Principles for building a Brand Defining Moment

Mano’s core principles for how brands unleash the potential of their creative ideas and investments.


1. Launch your ads like your products

Building brand-defining moments and campaigns takes the same due diligence as building and launching products. Only when you truly understand the market you are operating, the competitive forces and what constitutes demands, you can understand how you will win. 


2. Be conversation centric

When aiming at becoming part of the zeitgeist of a cultural movement – the most important currency for any brand today is a conversation, either you are part of it and you’re winning, or you are not and you’re losing. Breakthrough campaigns are built on a fundamental understanding of the conversations consumers have and the subjects that matter most to them. 


3. Beware the sameness-pitfall

In the growing clutter of branded content, most marketing initiatives look and feel the same because there is an industry tendency of gravitating towards the same insights and ideas. Brands need to fully understand all the layers of competition and most important its conversational competitors, and source differentiated insights against the clutter. 


4. Understand the market for conversation 

Content is supply and consumer engagement is demand. Thus, winning in the market for attention means finding a whitespace with an undersupplied demand for content, with high pull and high engagement from consumers, where your brand and communication can break through the clutter. 


5. Build for a content-market fit 

Brand initiatives that become brand-defining moments tap into underserved markets for conversations that consumers want to have, which has not been occupied by competition yet. Achieving content-market-fit means qualifying ideas or content against the mechanisms, touchpoints and angles that define to what extent it will resonate with consumers once it goes to market.


Find your opportunity space

Reach out to Jakob Stigler at if you want to talk about how Mano can help you unleash the true potential of your brand or your creative idea. 


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